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How A Biden Presidential Win Will Change Mail-In Voting Forever

With Republican-led Lawsuits Filed in Multiple States, Will America Accept Mass Mail-In Ballots in Future Elections?

As the drama surrounding the 2020 Presidential Election continues to unfold, a significant number of Trump supporters are calling foul play in several swing states including Wisconsin, Nevada, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Some claim Republican observers were kept from watching election staff count ballots. Others claim post-election night fraud.

But why?

Unlike any other election in modern history, the results of this year's presidential race led voters watching election night results to believe incumbent president Donald J. Trump had a very good chance of winning several swing states that would put him over the key 270 mark.

On election night, Trump led in ALL of the swing states (except Nevada and Arizona) by margins as large as 500,000 votes. In previous years, states such as Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania would have been immediately called for President Trump. But this year, mail-in ballots completely changed the game.

With the exception of the 2000 presidential race between George W. Bush and Al Gore, most modern elections determined a winner late into the evening of Election Night or the next morning, well before all the remaining votes were counted.

But just as the "hanging chad" defined the election 20 years ago, this year's race will be defined by the mail-in ballot that caused controversy well before a single paper was mailed out.

This year, 9 states sent out ballots automatically to all registered voters:

  • Vermont

  • Nevada

  • District of Columbia

  • California

  • New Jersey

  • Colorado

  • Hawaii

  • Utah

  • Washington

  • Oregon

As one can see, all states except Utah voted for Biden. In addition, 35 states allowed registered voters to vote ABSENTEE due to COVID-19:

  • Montana

  • Alaska

  • Idaho

  • Arizona

  • Wyoming

  • New York

  • New Mexico

  • North Dakota

  • South Dakota

  • Nebraska

  • Kansas

  • Oklahoma

  • Minnesota

  • Iowa

  • Missouri

  • Arkansas

  • Wisconsin

  • Illinois

  • Michigan

  • Ohio

  • Kentucky

  • Alabama

  • Pennsylvania

  • West Virginia

  • Virginia

  • North Carolina

  • Georgia

  • Florida

  • Maine

  • New Hampshire

Moreover, 19 states (and the District of Columbia) allowed SAME DAY voter registration, making it almost impossible to know the total universe of voters as election results came in:

  • California

  • Colorado

  • Connecticut

  • District of Columbia

  • Hawaii

  • Idaho

  • Illinois

  • Iowa

  • Maine

  • Maryland

  • Michigan

  • Minnesota

  • Nevada

  • New Hampshire

  • Utah

  • Vermont

  • Washington

  • Wisconsin

  • Wyoming

So with these factors, how could our country ever know in advance what the total voter universe would be?

And without this key number, how can we truly identify potential voter anomalies that would warrant further investigation, such as 99.9% voter turnout or 100% voting in favor of one candidate, as being alleged in courts around the country as we write this?

The single most important outcome of this election MUST BE to maintain the faith the American people have in the integrity and accuracy of our Presidential Elections.

Once the dust settles, our country should re-examine the mass use of mail-in ballots, otherwise we risk having half of the country lose faith in the legitimacy of future presidential elections.

Perhaps the answer is to require all people to vote in-person, with photo ID in future elections, with the exception of military personnel and their families stationed overseas.

If you winter in Florida but are a resident of New York, perhaps we should require that you register and vote where you will be on the first Tuesday of November.

If one is required to show up to the DMV or Utilities Department or Cable Companies or School Districts or Airports with proper paperwork and identification, why should voting be any less rigorous?

It's time we take this more seriously and make voter fraud a near-impossibility in future elections.

Article Written by Jett James Pruitt

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