Published Author and Founder of, Jett James Pruitt, Accurately Forecasted Which States Would Turn Red or Blue on Election Night, Back in August... But How?

Article Originally Published by PR NEWSWIRE on Nov 5, 2020 at 15:02 ET
Although ballot recounts and legal challenges will characterize the 2020 Presidential Election for some time, one fact has clearly emerged: modern pollsters have failed the American people once again by underestimating the support for incumbent President Donald J. Trump.
Rising political superstar, Jett James Pruitt, is the exception to that rule. Pruitt regularly writes articles for his political news website,, and in August shared a detailed presidential electoral map prediction that looks exactly as it's unfolding today.
News outlets from around the world, including several UK and Australian television stations, interviewed fifteen-year-old Pruitt on Election Night about his prediction being so accurate, even including Arizona's unexpected advantage for Biden.

So how did he do it?
"Presidential election predictions are more of an art than science. Modern polling organizations rely too heavily on survey data and have abandoned the art of understanding voter psyche," said Pruitt in a recent interview.
"I analyzed each state's socio-economic demographics, local industries, and voting records when riots affected their states in previous election years. You can learn a great deal about what topics matter most from just these few factors. For example, if the economy, law and order, and Second Amendment rights mattered most, they would lean towards Trump. If racism, wealth inequality, and COVID-19 mattered most, they would lean towards Biden."
"I'm surprised how many experts have completely removed voter emotion from the equation."
Today at fifteen, Pruitt is often grouped with other famous Gen Z advocates such as Greta Thunberg, David Hogg, and Jamie Margolin. But instead of being focused on one single issue such as gun violence or climate change, Pruitt is well-versed in all areas of government, economics, public policy, and international relations.
Involved in politics since the age of nine, Pruitt's first book, THROUGH THE EYES OF A YOUNG AMERICAN, was written while he was fourteen-years-old, hit Amazon's Top 20 Bestsellers in Politics, and was nominated by his publisher for the 2021 Pulitzer Prize.
But as a young, Native American "progressive conservative" who advocates the RNC take a closer look at several progressive policies he believes "make a lot of sense," Pruitt stands out from the crowd with his fresh take on Republican politics.
In his book currently on sale worldwide, Pruitt masterfully weaves a “pro-human from conception to grave” theme across multiple political issues in an effort to create better life conditions and economic circumstances for all Americans, while maintaining key family values and freedoms across all demographics.
Most notably, Pruitt advocates “smart capitalism” to describe his version of free-market economics that maintains the best of capitalism while controlling wild corporate profiteering at the expense of human life.
No matter how the Presidential Election race turns out, it's clear to Pruitt that the Republican Party must re-evaluate its stance on certain topics such as healthcare, criminal justice reform, climate change, and minimum wage, to expand its base to include more young and urban voters in order to survive.
His second book, "THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE: WHAT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY MUST DO TO WIN OVER GENERATION Z" will outline a specific plan for the RNC to earn the trust of more voters ages 18-29, and ultimately win more elections in the future. His highly anticipated follow-up is scheduled for release November 2021.

Just what will the future hold? No one knows at this point. But one thing is for sure: Modern polling organizations will need to completely revamp their methodology in future elections or risk being out-maneuvered by a 9th grader once again.
Visit to learn more about the author and his work.
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